Writing D&O Insurance Through a Risk Retention Group Structure

By Gary Osborne, Vice President, Risk Partners D&O insurance rates continued to rise in 2021. Many believe this result is due to the Supreme Court decision Badgerow v. Walters, which allowed Section 11 suits (Section 11 suits under the Securities Act of 1933 are one of the more common types of litigation against new public companies. In these suits, shareholder …

Top 100 RRGs by Premium

This month’s special report is a ranking of the top 100 RRGs by gross written premium. Risk retention groups collectively saw the second largest premium increase on record in 2021 and there was significant movement in the rankings, particularly among Healthcare RRGs. See the top ten RRGs below. Emergency Capital Management (Vermont), LLC RRG made its debut among the top …

NRRA Launches NRRA-In-Vision
Content Development Initiative

The National Risk Retention Association (NRRA) has launched a new content development initiative—NRRA-In-Vision. The In-Vision platform will play a role in all NRRA content, from the annual NRRA conference to judicial and regulatory advocacy on behalf of the risk retention group and purchasing group industries. A key component of new the platform will be a series of NRRA-In-Vision webcasts on …

RRGs Carrying More, and Better,
Ratings in 2022

More risk retention groups are carrying ratings from AM Best or Demotech, Inc. as of June 2022 than were carrying ratings in June 2021. The overall quality of the ratings is also higher than in prior years. The number of risk retention groups carrying an A.M. Best rating increased to 43 from 41, while the number of risk retention group …