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2022 VCIA Report: Farewells and a Strong Return

The 2022 VCIA Conference was held from August 8-11, 2022, in Burlington, Vermont. It was the first in-person VCIA conference since 2019. Attendance was strong with 986 professionals attending the conference. In addition, the Vermont captive industry said farewell to two of its longtime leaders.

Both Rich Smith—the former VCIA president who stepped down at the beginning of 2022—and the recently retired Deputy Commissioner at the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation David Provost received Honorary VCIA memberships for their service to the Vermont captive industry. When announcing Smith’s award, VCIA President Kevin Mead noted how much Smith was appreciated by the VCIA team for his “humor, good nature, family-first principles, and being a strong proponent for staff.”

In addition to his honorary membership, Provost also received the 2022 Industry Service Award at VCIA.

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